New Windows Blessed on Easter Day

We began our Easter celebrations on Sunday 24th April 2022 at St Augustine’s with the Bishop blessing the fourteen new “stained glass” windows in the Church. On the anniversary of the day the project began the event was met with much enthusiasm by...

New Caretaker / Handyman for the Church

The Bishop is pleased to announce that Mr Tibor Veres has agreed to become Handyman/caretaker for St Augustine’s. He has already proved his worth by beginning the final round of stained glass panel insertions into the four recently replaced windows in Church....

Bishop Mead Honoured By Governor of Kentucky, USA

The Parish congratulates Bishop Damien Mead, our Rector, who, on 23rd February 2022, was recognised by Andy Beshear, the Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, USA,  for his charity and philanthropic work, and also for his work in the provision of foster care for...