From Bishop Damien.
Following the Prime Ministers Covid-19 Address to the Nation on Tuesday 22nd September 2020, I am writing to up date our members and visitors with our plans at St Augustine’s. Services will continue on Sundays at 11am. Mask wearing and social distancing but no hymn singing.
The clergy, in the sanctuary, are excused mask wearing, but will wear a mask when coming into close proximity to the congregation.
Receiving Holy Communion
Questions have been asked about receiving Holy Communion at St Augustine’s. The practice Fr Ray and I have adopted is to communicate the people in one kind only. The Sacred Body of Christ is placed in the upturned right hand of the communicant, who remain standing. Please allow appropriate space between each communicant. The Communion Hosts are taken from the Tabernacle and are replaced each week. This means that the Sacrament is stored in an air tight ciborium for seven days before they are distributed. Father Ray and I will sanitise our hands before touching the Hosts and distributing Holy Communion.